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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week 38 Day 7 - Packing Hospital Bags


More organizing of the baby's room. Your probably wondering why it needs to be reorganized every day. I was, too. But every time we see someone, or go somewhere, we end up with more stuff for her. We are running out of room! 

It actually looks really good in there at the moment. Everything found a place and we even had the Scentsy thing going, except now the whole house smells like baby powder. I'm not a fan of that scent. 

This is her Scentsy warmer. If you aren't familiar with Scentsy, it is like a potpourri kind of deal, but the warmer melts scented wax. They work really well. You can buy all different kinds through your local Scentsy consultant.

Her changing table - 

And we are packing bags tonight, too. Here is a list of things we are bringing for the baby. 

If we forgot anything, or you have any suggestions on what to bring, or what not to bring to the hospital, let us know!


  1. Hi, what a great little blog. Always nice to see a dad/dad-to-be taking interest in the preparation for birth. We sell pre-packed hospital bags, check out the list we put in our deluxe bags that will give you a great checklist to work against. Maybe worth also looking at what we pop in Dad's support bag so you don't forget anything yourself Don't forget charges for the phone and camera, a list of people to contact and anything else you need to do while bub is still in hospital.

    Best of luck for the rest of the pregnancy and safe arrival of your precious little girl.


    1. Thank you for your help! I will definitely check it out.



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