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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Week 15 Day 2


Well, I am on lunch at work so I guess I'll do some writing. She has been craving spicy and salty foods. She said that she has heard that those kinds of cravings usually point to a boy. I have no idea to be honest. This is just what I'm told. We are planning on finding out in a few more weeks.

She told her HR person at work that she was pregnant and because of regulations or whatever, the HR lady said she was obligated to tell the manager. We were afraid that they would get rid of her for being pregnant however I'm pretty sure that's illegal. She didn't tell them while interviewing because they would most likely judge you just for that, and not hire you based on your actual job skills/knowledge. I agreed that it was the best choice to tell them later after she was hired.

She forgot her lunch at home. Pregnancy brain must be a real pain in the butt. What's up with that? Always spacey and forgetful. Although I am like that on a daily basis.

I just had some leftover spaghetti from last night. Need to learn how to conserve and save money. I usually buy things daily at work to eat on lunch or snack on. I haven't spent a dime the last two days I have worked. That's a good start for me. A record!

My company was recently bought out and we have switched owners. We are privately owned again which is probably a good thing. Today in the break room I saw this(refer to picture!). Which is good because for a while they were only giving us 10% off store brands. It went back to 10% of store brands but also 5% off everything else in the store. It's not like they still aren't making money. Especially after my trip to the dollar store, and witnessed the markup on most things at regular grocery/dept stores. Such a rip off.


My wife was crabby when I got off work. I think it's the hormones. Sometimes it's easier to just not talk to her and she gets over it quickly. Anyways she had a doctors appt and it went well. Our genetics test came back as negative for the baby which is great.

She got home after I did and made dinner. First time I've ever had a steak on a George Foreman grill. Not bad.

We are going to try to get to bed earlier because we have been pretty tired in the morning. We both have to get up earlier for our jobs now. Just put in "Wall Street:Money Never Sleeps" in the DVD player and going to fall asleep.

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